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"thoughts in solitude" - thomas merton

I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never
do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

my new favorite sport is people watching.

just some observations i thought i'd share about my latest people-watching adventures in downtown bh:

-i'm not sure if mullets and mc hammer pants were in style, went out of style and came back into style here or if they just never went out of style... but they are EVERYWHERE. mullets. mc hammer pants. go figure.

-the ''i'm just looking'' phrase means nothing here-- salesmen in the u.s. could learn a thing or two from these brazilians! diego and i went to a watch store at a local mall while we were killing time waiting for the movie to start seating... we went in to ChilliPeppers (seriously, an accessory store called ChilliPeppers!) and we were mobbed by a throng of salesman... in literally a blink of an eye diego had two watches strapped to both of his wrists and there was another salesman trying to put sunglasses on my face... um, no. not only did we say we were just looking and had no money with us to buy any of their overly-expensive items, but the salesman had figured out how much it would cost to buy a RS$290 (about $140 USD) watch in 3 payments!!! they just did not want to take 'no' for an answer... that's persistence if ever i saw it.

-there is no personal space or "room for the Holy Spirit" here... i think the rule does not exist in brasil, perhaps all of latin america? people are generally more friendly here than in the states, more affectionate in greetings, etc., but even strangers will get extremelyclosetoyou if they are asking you a question or admiring your earrings or handing you a napkin in a restaurant... we've had several close encounters with the NAC staff where they talk to you face to face THISCLOSE about everyday stuff... it's just funny to watch any of us bip's squirm and how natural it is to these brazilians... lol

-american-looking people who speak portuguese and are, in fact, brazilian. it throws me for a loop every time! on the bus, at a restaurant, walking down the street... at least 3-4 times per day i'll see someone who looks like an american (please read: fair-skinned people with red/blond hair, blue/green eyes and dressed like an american) and they will open their mouth and speak the most fluid, beautiful portuguese i've ever heard... i do a double-take and have to physically close my own mouth... lol. my brain is confused, i think, when that happens!

-skinny pants all around! literally, EVERYONE wears skinny pants! i don't get it! grandmas, teenage girls AND boys, grown men, grandpas, students, children... skinny pants are all the rage here. WHY, BRASIL, WHY WOULD YOU PICK SKINNY PANTS OF ALL THINGS!!!!

-insanely buff security guys in tailored suits at all of the malls, wearing earpieces and sometimes ray-ban sunglasses... i think it makes them look very 'men in black.' but i wonder, how could they ever possibly chase down a thief in their designer duds and man-heels?

-excessive PDA everywhere! i guess it kind of goes with the lack of personal space thing... it reminds me of my good friend katie's famous phrase: ''if you don't like it, don't look!'' at any point in time when surrounded by at least 6 people or more, you can pretty much bet that at least one pair of people are a couple, and they will be showing copious amounts of blatant PDA... i've noticed people kissing while walking on the sidewalks of downtown bh (not an easy fete), couples kissing while getting on an escalator (that's skill!) and even kissing while getting off an onibus (which is near to impossible to do by yourself, i can't imagine being lip-locked and trying to jump off the near 4-foot high steps of the bus!)... it's just PDA crazy here...

phew! i think i'm done with my observations for today... people watching has become my favorite sport by far, although i did try playing soccer today, so i'm sure to have more updates soon. :)

peace and love,

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