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"thoughts in solitude" - thomas merton

I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never
do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils

Sunday, July 25, 2010

baking and packing, packing and baking...

so last night, aline, regiane and i made chocolate chip cookies!!! in between the cookies baking s l o w l y i was also trying to eat dinner and pack for my trip this morning to são pãolo... prolly the big reason i was a tad bit late this morning and missed my flight... but that's another story, scroll down for that story because right now is about cookies!!!!

they actually came out right, didn't burn or get fluffy! woohoo!

mixing up the dough... yummmm.

dropping them by the spoonful...

waiting FOREVER for them to bake... literally 45 mins!

we couldn't wait for them to cool to start eating them!

gloriously chocolatey walnutty cookies! yessssssss.

first day in são pãolo

as i mentioned earlier, this morning i woke up a little bit late (surprise, surprise--see the note on the cookies above!) and regiane and i were a little late leaving the house this morning to get me to the nearest airport, where i needed to take a shuttle to the bigger airport i was flying out of... well, when i finally caught the shuttle and made it to the airport, i had about 20 minutes to make it through check-in, security and board my flight.. so, i kind of knew that things were not going to go my way... well, i flagged down someone who could help me try to get booked on another flight, but the prices were double what i paid for my round-trip ticket online just for one way! man, i missed american-style customer service this morning!

i ended up spending the next hour going from airline counter to airline counter trying to find the cheapest flight from belo to sp that left today... well, i finally found one for half the price of all the other guys and decided it was going to have to do. i have plans on monday morning with one of the missionaries and it was my fault for missing my flight today... so, i sucked it up and paid for the ticket and boarded my flight about 30 minutes later... just a mere couple of hours late, i finally made it to sp by 10:30! EXPENSIVE LESSON LEARNED! hmmpf.

i met heidi, the MKLM missionary who arranged my visit, at the downtown rodoviaria (bus station) after taking an hour and a half long shuttle... i slept on the bus the whole way to downtown, so i really have no idea what the scenery was like in sp... sleep deprivation has definitely done a number on me today! anyway, heidi literally lives in the middle of EVERYTHING! the cathedral is about 2 quarterois away and i can hear the campanhas toll on the hour... very cool.

she had also taken the time to see what things were going on in the city in case i wasn't too tired from the trip... so, we went home, dropped off my bags and headed back out the door... the first place we went to was an arts & crafts fair (kinda like feira hippe) where i saw lots of cool, reasonably priced handmade items... there were tons of people, though, so i wasn't that comfortable busting out my camera to take pics just yet... once we had walked around and looked at everything we headed about 5 quarterois away to the praca da liberdade for some big japanese festival they were having...

it was so cool! it's a total mind flip to see japanese people speaking portuguese! ever since i read about the japanese population here in sp during BIP training i wanted to come and see it for my very own eyes... and i did today! ;)

we saw some traditional performers and also walked through the arts & crafts they had on display, too... we also stopped for some real, live japanese food!

heidi and i eating pot-stickers in the japanese district (near praca da liberdade)

the tastiest pot-sticker i have ever had in life! it was amazing... really.

the big stage for the festival...

big cartoon figure of one of the candidates running in the city election...

tree of luck: wishes written down on colored pieces of paper and tied to a tree...

colorful japanese decorations on the praca

very creepy street artists... i have no idea why this girl was smiling.

while on our way home from the street fair, we saw a movie being filmed...

i swear one of the ladies on the bike is the girl from the novela, passione!

well, long story short, that's been my first day... i'm pretty pooped so after dinner and Mass i think i'm crashing out to be up and ready to go for tomorrow morning... it's been great so far and i've had fun asking heidi questions about missionary work and what the process is like...

she also told me today that she knows and works with people in the Educafro organization, a franciscan education ministry that works to eliminate racism from the education system here in brazil. she's getting in touch with some people there to see if i can visit their offices and see what they're about! very, VERY EXCITED!

more to come soon... thanks for the love and prayers. you're in mine, too.

peace and love,

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